Things to Watch Out For When You Don’t Have a Car Accident Lawyer

Even if you are not injured, it is important to hire a car accident lawyer to represent your interests. This way, you will avoid making costly mistakes and will get fair compensation for any expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering you may incur as a result of the accident. The first step in hiring a car accident lawyer is to determine the extent of your injuries. If you are not hurt in the accident, the costs of hiring an attorney may be minimal compared to those associated with hiring an attorney.

Unrepresented claimants lack experience

Many people make mistakes during the claims settlement process, including the common mistake of being too eager to settle a claim. Injured individuals who don’t have the benefit of a lawyer often make unwise decisions. Insurance adjusters are often more likely to bully or ignore a person who’s unrepresented. Here are some things to watch out for:

Insurance adjusters are trained to convince injured claimants to handle their claims without a lawyer. They do this by citing statistics that show that unrepresented claimants receive less compensation than claimants who hire an attorney. The Allstate training manual cited that unrepresented claimants recover on average only $3,464 while those who hire an attorney recover twice that amount. Even if these statistics are bogus, the lesson is clear: insurance companies don’t want to pay as much as a lawyer would.

Unrepresented claimants lack financial resources

Insurance carriers often use a number of tricks to get the best deal for their customers and exploit the inexperience of unrepresented car accident claimants. One such tactic involves having an insurance adjuster call unrepresented victims and conduct a recorded interview. These interviews are designed to gather information that will help the insurance company settle the claim for as little as possible. The insurance company also has extensive experience and expertise that an unrepresented car accident claimant does not have.

Unrepresented claimants lack training

Many serious accident victims want to get their lives back on track after an injury. They want to make repairs, but if they’re not represented, the odds are Read more

Workers Compensation Benefits For Contractors and Agricultural Office Employees

If you’re an employer with one or more employees, you probably already have workers’ compensation coverage. However, if you’re a self-employed individual or contractor, or work in an agricultural office, you might want to learn more about the benefits of this policy. There are three main types of employers covered by workers’ compensation: Employers who employ one or more employees and self-employed individuals. Also covered are those who hire other people to complete tasks for them.

How do I know if I have workers’ compensation coverage?

Here are some tips to help you figure that out. 

Employers with one or more employees

Workers’ compensation coverage is mandatory for employers with one or more employees. Coverage can be purchased through a commercial insurer or through self-insurance, a group self-insurance association, or a professional employer organization. Unlike self-insurance, commercial insurance is not obtained through the Commission, but through an insurance agent or carrier. In some cases, executive officers may reject coverage under the Act, but only with proper notice.

For example, if an employer employs a construction worker, he or she is required to carry workers’ compensation insurance. Additionally, if the company engages in construction or other trades, such as mining, then it must have coverage for these workers. Subcontractors should also have coverage. In addition, employers with two or more employees are required to carry workers’ compensation coverage, whether or not they employ their own employees.

Self-employed individuals

As a self-employed individual, you’ve likely heard about the importance of workers’ compensation coverage. Although most businesses are required to carry this type of coverage, this type of insurance isn’t always taken seriously. In fact, you may find yourself in a situation where you have an injury while on the job. Without the proper insurance, you could be responsible for paying a large medical bill, or even losing your income.

You can choose wage replacement coverage if you’re self-employed. This type of coverage will compensate you for lost wages or income if you become disabled while working. Ghost policies also exist. These policies are zero dollar-priced and are available for independent contractors, Read more

Fundamentals That Legal Clients Expect From Law Firms 

Whenever a client is looking for a great accident attorney they will look to compile a list of 3 or 4 possible options, and then meet with them to help make a final decision. With this in mind it is important that law firms look to focus on getting these meetings right, in order to encourage more clients to use their services. So that firms can do that, it is worthwhile gaining an insight into exactly what clients are looking for in these meetings, so that the firm can in fact get more clients on board.

Lawyer Present

A great number of law firms fail at the very first hurdle because they do not make a lawyer available for the first meeting with a client. This is a real own goal and it is surefire way to turn a client off. This costs the law firm very little and it shows the client that you have their best interests at heart. Clients don’t arrange meetings in order to speak with secretaries, they want to speak to the lawyers who will be handling their case.


There really is no reason for a law firm to not be transparent around their services and pricing, and this is something which clients are really on the lookout for. When it comes to your charges and what you can expect from the case, be absolutely straight with the client from the moment that you start speaking with them.

Empathy to Their Situation

Unsurprisingly one of the most important things that any prospective client is looking for is empathy from the legal team. Even if they have seen this kind of case a million times before, they have to understand that this is the first time that a client has been through this, and they want to feel that support from the legal team which they may be using. This again really doesn’t cost the law firm anything and it is such an important attribute for clients. Focusing on empathy is a surefire way for law firms to attract more clients.

Clear Plan

 When clients Read more

A Personal Injury Claim can be Established in One of Three Ways

The fact that “personal injury law” is not a law school course may surprise non-lawyers. Instead, law students study “tort law,” which is concerned with all of the different ways in which one person might harm another. Personal injury law companies use only three tort liability theories, despite the fact that the mechanism of damage varies from case to case.

Torts with a target

Intentional torts, for example, are crimes committed with the clear intent to injure others. Battery, assault, and deliberate infliction of emotional distress, as well as false imprisonment, trespass to land and chattels, and conversion, are all intentional torts under common law.

The victim must show that the perpetrator acted with particular intent and that the injury was caused to prove an intentional tort.

As a result, a person injured by an object thrown during an encounter may file a battery lawsuit. When the chair-thrower flung the chair, he or she wanted to injure someone.

The injured party is not required to show that the injury was caused by the tortious behavior since intentional torts do not require proof of foreseeability. Even if electrocution was not a predicted consequence of throwing a chair in this situation, causality is demonstrated if the lamp falls and the electrified person is injured.

Intentional torts are also notable for their broad range of damages. Punitive damages, also known as compensatory and exemplary damages, may be awarded in cases of wilful torts.

Because of the simplified causation standards and the prospect of obtaining exemplary damages, personal injury law firms frequently file intentional tort actions.


The bread and butter of personal injury litigation firms is negligence. Automobile accidents account for 54% of all personal injury cases, making it difficult to demonstrate intent in many cases. In some cases, determining whether a driver rear-ended another driver intentionally or carelessly because of road rage or because they were distracted is difficult, if not impossible.

To establish negligence, evidence must show that a duty of care was due, that the obligation was not performed, that the failure resulted in an accident, and that the accident Read more

The Importance of Getting The Best Personal Injury Lawyer

There are many pieces of content online which will tell you that you should focus on making sure that you get the right personal injury attorney for your claim, and they will also cover how to go about it. These pieces however so often miss out crucial information for readers, and that is exactly why it is so important that you work on getting a great personal injury lawyer for your case. 

After all there are so many law firms out there which work with personal injury clients, what is to say that one is better than the other, and why should you care? The reality however is that there is a great amount of difference which the very best lawyers will be able to offer you, and here is exactly why finding the best lawyers is so important. 

Helping You Through The Case

Nobody goes into this kind of case with anything in their mind other than getting the very best level of compensation which is available. What you should also have in mind however is the range of help and support which you as a client are going to need when you take on this kind of case. If you have been injured then you will already have been through enough stress, frustration and worry, so the last thing that you need is to go through even more. This is exactly why it is important to get the very best lawyers because they are going to really support you throughout the case, where as other lawyers may not. 

Getting The Best Claim

Another fundamental difference which you can expect between great lawyers and the rest, is the amount of compensation which you are going to expect. In fact there are many lawyers out there who base their valuation of the compensation on the settlement which they think that they can get, and not the settlement which their client’s injuries deserve. This is exactly why you need to get the bets lawyers who will work hard to deliver the highest amount of compensation which is available. 

Speed of the

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